“When you partner with me it's like you are sitting in the driver’s seat and I’m your supportive passenger. I guide your self-awareness and accountability to help you gain new perspective.”


About Yasmin

Everyone starts somewhere, the important thing is to start

I was stuck in a hamster wheel of corporate calendars and limitations – always ‘doing’ without ‘being.’ While I loved my job, a part of me was restless and yearned to take a step toward feeling more like myself.

Relocating my entire life to a different continent meant a fresh start, but fresh starts come with their own set of fears and challenges… I didn’t know who I was, or what my purpose was supposed to be. Attempting to redefine my goals and ambitions all on my own was scary.

During these challenging times, I decided to seek out life coaching to help navigate the ambiguity and fear of the unknown I was facing. I embraced it as a practice for myself before deciding to pursue it as a career, and it led me toward a more fulfilling life and clearer purpose.

My life coach asked me powerful questions that required insightful answers, and I’m still learning much about myself because of this decision.

Exploring my own ability to grow and connect is what drives me to practice.

I became certified by the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) as Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) accredited by the International Coaching Federation, ICF, as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC).

I was born to Lebanese parents in Egypt, and I was always determined to find my chances for success beyond locations, borders, and traditional limitations. A happily married mother of two active boys., I spent my market research career between Cairo, Egypt, and Dubai, UAE, with this new chapter in coaching now officially rooted in Oakville, Ontario. This transition was difficult, and there were a lot of reasons for me to give up.

But I didn’t.

When I took my first steps in coaching, I knew there was no going back. My biggest discovery was that you can be vulnerable and strong at the same time. If you find the right space, you can process your vulnerability and grow more resilient from it. I learned to look at things from different perspectives – I learned to not only think outside the box; but to sometimes leave it behind entirely. Knowing that I am now growing in a direction that resonates with who I want to become is changing everything.

Certifications & Accreditations

Get in touch with Yasmin

A little more about me.

When I am not spending time with my family, working with clients or speaking at workshops, I love to explore the outdoors.

Nature Hikes

People who know me will hear me saying this a lot “nature is therapeutic to me”, the greenery with all its different forms and shapes makes me feel grounded in myself. Walking in between the trees does the magic of claiming my brain but sharpening it at the same time. I realized it pulls me away from the constant stimulation these days and brings me back to myself.

It just makes me more alive and present


Nothing inspires me as much as visiting new places, meeting new people, and trying different food while traveling. I love to explore new places. Yes, it takes me out of my comfort zone but I feel like I grow with every step I take out of this comfort zone. I love to walk around while visiting a city and target these narrow roads with the tiny coffee shops as well as enjoying being barefoot on the beach with sand sticking on my feet and my hair curly free….

I simply feel recharged and ready to embrace life…