Kaitlyn Severin Kaitlyn Severin

Guiding Teens to Self Worth

Teenagers are experiencing increased levels of anxiety from relying on the pressures of society to become a version of themselves. As parents, we need to guide our children to build up their self-worth and allow them to develop more confidence within themselves.

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Dana Castro Dana Castro


In all forms of relationships, boundaries help you realize what you are comfortable with, and how you would like to be treated by others. Boundaries are also a key factor in sustaining healthy relationships while maintaining your mental health and physical well-being.  However, relationships without healthy boundaries are stressful and unfriendly, and can lead to self-doubt and a lack of confidence between either party

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Dana Castro Dana Castro

Dissonance = Disconnect

We don’t just live a fast-paced life, but a life that is driven by results and deliverables. Our minds are always rushing from one task to another ensuring that we are always in the “Doing” mode and not paying attention to the “Being” nor who we want to be in our lives……How frequently do we pause and question ourselves, do all of what we do resonate with us and what we stand for, what do we believe in, our purpose?

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